Presenting our first guest maker - the lovely and talented, Debbie Greenaway

"I often take my camera and sketchbook out and about with me and draw from outside observation, overheard conversations or from my imagination. Screen-printing is my favourite way of working and often print on paper or fabric to create an assortment of items including limited edition prints, purses, stitched illustrations, badges, cards and bags. At the moment I am working on drawing people, characters with musical instruments, in the hope of creating a fictional band, some colourful images of a narrative nature and a illustrated book of sorts."

How long have you been making/crafting?
Often find this a difficult question to answer. Easy answer would be to say for a long long time! I spent my early years living with my grandparents (my mum's parents) and they often gave me things to sit and draw, paint or sew with. Grandad would spend a lot of time showing me how to draw Mickey Mouse and the Mr Men, while Grandma bought my pots of paint and plasticine. When the weather was nice I used to draw outside, on the walls and pavements with a brush and a large bucket of water. When I was older, spare time was often sat with friends drawing or making if we had supplies/materials/facilities to do so and it just seemed like a natural choice to make when it came to deciding what to do. But I have spent a few years working in between my studies and afterwards. Even now, I am toying with returning to some kind of employment as I miss having a more stable routine.
What made you decide to participate as a guest maker in the 52-week challenge?
I decided to take part in the challenge as I think it is fantastic to create work to help others. I also saw it as a way to keep to my 2012 goals of using up my existing box of materials as there are many bits of old, new and recycled bits in my boxes that I have forgotten about.

There will be lots more information coming about Debbie, as well as the unveiling of her contribution to the project over the weekend... but in the meantime why not check out her blog or find her on twitter.
While Debbie has been making this week's craft - I've been hard at work on a two-week doozy of a project that will be coming out in two weeks time. If you are low on patience why not browse the main project page which lists a number of auctions ending this evening to help pass the time!
So interesting! Im looking forward to seeing what the craft will be!